
  1. NC3 is an independent body of believers in Christ that has no affiliation with any denomination or organization. It seeks to model the New Testament church in practice and worship.
  2. NC3 is answerable to God…not to a denomination, district executive or any other official. It shall be a self-governing, autonomous body.
  3. Membership at NC3: A believer in Christ may consider himself/herself a member of NC3 if they agree with the NC3 statement of faith and their interest in NC3 is evidenced, among other things, by their attendance.
  4. Church discipline: Church discipline will be exercised according to Matthew 18. There are essentially four steps to be taken in church discipline.
    • Tell the person of his sin alone. v.15
    • Take some witnesses. v.16
    • Tell the church. v.17
    • Treat him as an outsider. v.17
  5. Tithes and offerings: NC3 shall be supported by tithes and offerings.
  6. Finances: NC3’s treasurer shall be appointed by the pastor to handle all church funds and shall be expected to report the income and expenditures to NC3 monthly.
  7. The pulpit: The pulpit shall be filled at the discretion of the pastor for all services. The pastor shall moderate business meetings.
  8. Bank accounts: NC3 will have one checking account and one savings account unless by unanimous vote the elders decide differently. The congregation will be informed if such a decision is made.
  9. Bible: The Holy Bible is to be used as the primary teaching authority at NC3.
  10. Officers: Elders of NC3 will initially be appointed by the pastor. The pastor shall be called by the elders. He will serve at the pleasure of the elders. Additional elders are appointed by the elders as they see need and they must meet the qualifications outlined in I Timothy 3. Elders will serve a three year term. At the conclusion of their term, they may be reappointed, take a year sabbatical and return, or elect to discontinue. Should he elect to discontinue, a new elder will then be appointed by the elders. At any point, members of the congregation may suggest to the pastor anyone who they believe meets the qualifications outlined for elders in I Timothy 3. But it is ultimately the responsibility of the elders to determine eligibility. Deacons: Deacons of NC3 will be appointed by the elders and serve at their pleasure for a three year term. At the conclusion of their term, they may be reappointed, take a year sabbatical and return, or elect to discontinue. Should he elect to discontinue, a new deacon will then be appointed by the elders. At any point, members of the congregation may suggest to any elder, anyone who they believe meets the qualifications outlined for deacons in I Timothy 3. But it is ultimately the responsibility of the elders to determine eligibility. Deaconesses: Guidelines for the selection of deaconesses coincide with those stated above for deacons.
  11. Pastor: The pastor of NC3 must qualify for the office in accordance with I Timothy 3:1-7. He must be a Christian example to the congregation and community in word, in life style, in love, in spirit, in faith and in purity.
  12. Congregation: Members of NC3 will convene at the annual meeting to discuss issues regarding ministry and finance.